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Mansi counting - logic puzzle


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Mansi is a language of a Siberian tribe and has about 3000 speakers. Here some number in the Mansi language:
8: nollow, 15: atxujplow, 49: atlow nopel ontellow, 50: atlow, 99: ontelsat ontellow, 555: xotsatn xotlow nopel at, 900: ontellowsat, 918: ontellowsat nollowxujplow.

What is the meaning of the following words: atsatn at, nolsat nopel xot, ontellowsatn ontellowxujplow? And how to say 58, 80, 716 in the Mansi language?

Problem Language Olympiade 2005


405, 76, 819, xotlow nopel nollow, nolsat, nollowsatn xotxujplow