Horse friends - math puzzle

Three horses are standing in a triangular field, which is exactly 100
yards on each side. One horse stands at each corner; and simultaneously
all three set off running. Each horse runs after the horse in the
adjacent corner on his left, thus following a curved course, which
terminates in the middle of the field, all three horses arriving there
The horses obviously ran at the same speed, but just how far did they
The weathermen are always wrong - logic puzzle

The local weatherman says No Rain, and his record is 2/3 accuracy of
prediction. But the Federal Meteorological Service predicts rain, and
their record is 3/4.
With no other data available, what is the chance of rain?
With no other data available, what is the chance of rain?
Tic-tac-toe - logic puzzle

In Greenwich Village, tic-tac-toe is played in an atypical way. At
each turn a player marks as many squares as he wishes provided they are
in the same vertical or horizontal row (they need not be adjacent). The
winner is the one who marks the last square.
Which player has the advantage, and what strategy should he employ?
Which player has the advantage, and what strategy should he employ?