Logic puzzles, riddles, math puzzles and brainteasers - pzzls.com

Vandaag is het 9 March 2025

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Golden rings - logic puzzle


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A jeweller has three boxes: A, B and C. Each box contains three rings, which are either all made of pure gold, or all fake. The fake rings weight 1 gram less then the real ones. It is known that a least one of the boxes contains fake rings. The jeweller has a balance with three weights of exactly 1 gram. Is it possible that the jeweller finds out which box(es) contain the fake rings with weighing only once? And if so, how does she do it? (We define weighing only once that only once a situation is reached in which the balance is in equilibrium.)

Air trip - math puzzle


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At the same time two planes depart from JFK international airport. One plane flies exactly in northern direction, while the other one flies exactly to the east. Both planes fly at the same speed and at the same height. Which plane is after one hour the most far away from JFK?

Predicting share prices - math puzzle


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What will be the probability that the price of a randomly choosen share that can be bought on the euronext stock exchange in Amsterdam, starts with the digit 1? aex-index