Logic puzzles, riddles, math puzzles and brainteasers - pzzls.com

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Mansi counting - logic puzzle


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Mansi is a language of a Siberian tribe and has about 3000 speakers. Here some number in the Mansi language:
8: nollow, 15: atxujplow, 49: atlow nopel ontellow, 50: atlow, 99: ontelsat ontellow, 555: xotsatn xotlow nopel at, 900: ontellowsat, 918: ontellowsat nollowxujplow.

What is the meaning of the following words: atsatn at, nolsat nopel xot, ontellowsatn ontellowxujplow? And how to say 58, 80, 716 in the Mansi language?

Problem Language Olympiade 2005

Cigarettes - logic puzzle


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Two men are sitting around a round table. They both have an infinite amount of cigarettes. The men are going to play a game. Each turn they have to lie down one cigarette on the table. The rules are simple: two cigarettes may never touch each other and the game will end when it is impossible to add another cigarette.

The one who lies down the last cigarette has won. Who will win this game (suppose that both players play the best possibly move), the one who starts the game or the one who plays the second cigarette?
table with cigarettes

Boiling an egg - logic puzzle


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Suppose you would like to boil an egg for exactly 15 minutes. But you only have two hourglasses, one of zeven and one of eleven minutes. What is the the fastest way to do this? egg