Logic puzzles, riddles, math puzzles and brainteasers - pzzls.com

Vandaag is het 10 March 2025

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Also having birthday today? - math puzzle


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Out of how many people should a group at least consist in order to have that the probability that two persons out of that group are having birthday on the same day, is larger than 1/2? birthday cake

The fishing fathers - logic puzzle


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Two fathers and two of their suns are going to fish. In total they catch three fishes. All of them take one complete fish at home. How is this possible? hengel

Eiffel tower - science puzzle


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The Eiffel tower in Paris has including the tv antenna an height of 321 meter. It is made out of 7 million kg steel. Somebody would like to build a scale model of this tower with a weight of 1 kg. How tall will this scale model be? Eiffel tower