Logic puzzles, riddles, math puzzles and brainteasers - pzzls.com

Vandaag is het 10 March 2025

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Know what you want - puzzling puzzle


   Rating: 2.7/5.0

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Who makes it, doesn't tell it.
Who gets it, doesn't know it.
Who knows what it is, doesn't want it.

What is it?

Einstein as a speed devil - science puzzle


   Rating: 3.1/5.0

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How fast should you drive towards a red traffic light to see it appear as green? traffic light

Rocket launch - science puzzle


   Rating: 3.2/5.0

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Why are the European Ariane rockets launched from the Korou site in French-Guyana, South-America, and not simply from some place in Europe where the rockets are partly built? ariane 5