Logic puzzles, riddles, math puzzles and brainteasers - pzzls.com

Vandaag is het 10 March 2025

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Spy satellite - math puzzle


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A spy satellite circles around the earth in 1.57 hours. Can you tell within 3 seconds how much time it takes until the satellite has made 24 revolutions? satellite

Pie into pieces - logic puzzle


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Suppose, you would like to divide the pie from the figure on the right-hand side into eight equal pieces. How often do you minimally have to cut? Every time you put the knife again in the pie counts as an additional cut. taart

Air trip - math puzzle


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At the same time two planes depart from JFK international airport. One plane flies exactly in northern direction, while the other one flies exactly to the east. Both planes fly at the same speed and at the same height. Which plane is after one hour the most far away from JFK?