Logic puzzles, riddles, math puzzles and brainteasers - pzzls.com

Vandaag is het 10 March 2025

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The Smith Jones Robinson Riddle - logic puzzle


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On a train, Smith, Robinson, and Jones are the fireman, brakeman, and the engineer, but NOT respectively. Also aboard the train are three businessmen who have the same names: a Mr. Smith, a Mr. Robinson, and a Mr. Jones. Using the clues below, can you determine the identity of the Engineer?

1. Mr. Robinson lives in Detroit.
2. The brakeman lives exactly halfway between Chicago and Detroit.
3. Mr. Jones earns exactly $20,000 per year.
4. The brakeman's nearest neighbor, one of the passengers, earns exactly three times as much as the brakeman.
5. Smith beats the fireman in billiards.
6. The passenger whose name is the same as the brakeman's lives in Chicago.

American History X - logic puzzle


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The image on the right hand side refers to an important event in American history.
What does it refer to?

Sundays child - math puzzle


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Recently, somebody told: "My grandfather was born on the first sunday of the year. His seventh birthday was also on a sunday!" In which year was this grandfather born?