Logic puzzles, riddles, math puzzles and brainteasers - pzzls.com

Vandaag is het 9 March 2025

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Dear Jack... - logic puzzle


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You can complete the letter below negatively and positively by inserting . , ! or ? (You can not remove any words or change the order of them!)

Dear Jack,

I want a man who knows what love is all about you you are genious kind throughfull people who are not like you admit to being to uselers and infenor you have ruined me for other man I yearn for you I have no feelings what so ever when we are apart I can be forever happy - will you let me be yours Jill

Gleam, glitter, glow... - puzzling puzzle


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Gleam, glitter, glow,

They're moving very slow,

Sometimes on a smooth surface,

Often searching they\'re way down,

Between hunderds of obstacles,

They can be seen in every town,

Always moving and searching their way,

Again and again, everyday,

They merge and seperate with their species all the time,

And they can also be found, in this little rhyme.

Differences can count - puzzling puzzle


   Rating: 2.7/5.0

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My first is in tea but not in leaf
My second is in teapot and also in teeth
My third is in caddy but not in cosy
My fourth is in cup but not in rosy
My fifth is in herbal and also in health
My sixth is in peppermint and always in wealth
My last is in drink, so what can I be?
I’m there in a classroom, do you listen to me?