Logic puzzles, riddles, math puzzles and brainteasers - pzzls.com

Vandaag is het 31 January 2025

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Elevator woman - puzzling puzzle


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A woman lived in an apartment building on the seventh floor. Every morning she took the lift to the ground floor and went to her work. But when she came home, she took the lift to the fourth floor and then continued by walking the stairs up. Why would she do that? liftknop

Beach walk - math puzzle


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Along the beach are a number of poles standing at equal distance from each other. The poles are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, ..... Alice is walking from the first pole to the last one and back, Bob is doing that in the opposite direction. They start at the same time and walk with constant, but different velocity. Their first encounter is at pole number 10, their second (when they're both on the way back) at pole number 20. How many poles are standing along the beach?

Workaholic - science puzzle


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On a particular evening a business man decides to work for some hours at his office in London because his wife gets out with her friends. After some hard work he opens the curtains of his office and looks outside (see the picture), but immediately he gets in panic. Why? city at night