Logic puzzles, riddles, math puzzles and brainteasers - pzzls.com

Vandaag is het 10 March 2025

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Fake coins - logic puzzle


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Suppose you have five bags filled with the same type of coins and a weigthing machine. One of this bags is completely filled with fake coins, the other bags contain only real ones. A real coin weights 10 gram and a fake one 11 gram.
What is the minimal number of times you need to use the weighting machine in order to find the bag with the fake coins?
bag with coins

Also having birthday today? - math puzzle


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Out of how many people should a group at least consist in order to have that the probability that two persons out of that group are having birthday on the same day, is larger than 1/2? birthday cake

Billiard-balls - logic puzzle


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Nine billiard-balls are lying in front of you. Except for one they all have the same weight. The exception is a little bit heavier than the others.
What is the minimal number of times you have to use a balance in order to find the wrong billiard ball?
billiard ball